Learn how to integrate low-level laser therapy with kinesio taping and gain a better understanding of how this combination improves performance and speeds healing in athletes and other patients. This webinar also discusses how to increase your income of cash and billing patients, get more referrals with better results and expand the types of patients you can treat.
Speaker: Karen J. Woodbeck MS, PT, OCS, ATC, CKTI
Karen is a certified orthopedic clinical specialist, physical therapist and athletic trainer with more than 24 years’ experience. Her primary focuses include orthopedics, sports medicine, manual therapy, pilates, taping and laser. Karen believes in restoring good position with mobility while building stability, and immediately increasing function while reducing pain. Teaching the body how to do this using neuromuscular (brain-body) education is a strong part of client treatment. To achieve the client’s goals, Karen utilizes a variety of skills obtained from years of practice incorporating extensive continuing education, including courses with many internationally-renowned instructors in muscle energy technique, Mulligan’s mobilization with movement, myofascial release, McConnell technique, primal reflex release technique, craniosacral therapy, laser, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and kinesio taping.
Speaker: Curtis Turchin, M.A., D.C.
Curtis is an internationally-known expert in the field of laser therapy and author of "Light and Laser Therapy: Clinical Procedures," the authoratative text on clinical laser treatment. He has used lasers for 27 years, is the author of four books and more than 20 journal articles, and has lectured at many chiropractic colleges and state associations. He also studied various types of soft-tissue therapy with Janet Travell, MD; David Simons, MD; and Karel Lewit, MD.
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"The treatment tables with the adjustable backs are great. The athletes really like being able to adjust them. The split legs that I also received with the adjustable backs come in really handy when I do recovery pumps and/or ice and stim."

"It was clear to us that the quality of The Athletic Edge products surpassed all other competitors. The staff was really easy to work with and we had mockups of our furniture within a few days of submitting."

“With the addition of our new indoor athletic facility later this fall, we chose Athletic Edge equipment for our new tables and taping station. The drawers and cabinets on the tables and taping station will tremendously help to maximize storage without having to add in more cabinets, thus losing the little space we will have.”
"The thing that really sets The Athletic Edge apart for us is its durability. It's built to last for years to come.”