Post by Feb 2, 2021 2:32:58 PM · 2 min read

Central Magnet School case study

Perseverance wins. When head girls' basketball coach Kyle Turnham took the job six years ago at Central Magnet School in Murfreesboro, TN he had a plan for major renovations of the existing locker room space and restroom facilities. What he didn't know was that it would take six years to go from start to finish.

Central Magnet WBB 2-1

Photo courtesy of Central Magnet School

According to Coach Turnham, "We faced literally every challenge possible: budget, locker room configuration, construction timelines, etc. I had taken the job six years ago and had mapped out a design when I took the job, but I had to get approvals on multiple levels (building and county levels) to begin the design process. Once approved, the design process began and I was fortunate enough to work with Tyler Brinka of The Athletic Edge and Dillon Potter, our county supervisor. They were both absolutely fantastic and both instrumental at helping us see our dreams come true!"

The Project

"We completely renovated an existing area," explained Coach Turnham. "We had to remove showers that no longer functioned, remove a toilet and installed additional toilets, remove the existing flooring and install new laminate flooring, paint the walls and build a privacy wall all before the lockers could be installed." 

"Budgeting had always been at the forefront of the project because I was realistic in knowing that what I wanted and what I could afford might be two different things," added Coach Turnham. "I had contacted Tyler at The Athletic Edge almost as soon as I got the job and he helped me navigate the course through completion, literally six years later. Tyler’s patience and understanding of our issues were a big reason why I chose The Athletic Edge. Not many companies would have stayed with me for that amount of time."

Central Magnet WBB 3-1

Photo courtesy of Central Magnet School

Custom Lockers

The new space included the installation of 16 custom maple wood pedestal side lockers with natural finish and black padded seat cushions with custom branding.

"These lockers have so many features that it’s impossible to cite a favorite," added Coach Turnham. "First and foremost is the craftsmanship. You look at pictures on their website, obviously, but those pictures don’t do justice to the quality of the lockers. The fit and finish of these lockers is simply unparalleled. We were able to work with Tyler on adding the lockable cubby, which is a nice feature. The soft-close, self-closing doors are extraordinary. The pull-out locker at the bottom is incredibly spacious, not to mention aerified. The padded seat is thick and soft. The graphic added to the front of the pull-out locker is vivid and increases branding and personalization. This locker is just extraordinary!"

Central Magnet WBB 1-2

Photo courtesy of Central Magnet School

Not only was the head coach impressed with the final product, but the girls' basketball team as well. "The girls are absolutely ecstatic! They had obviously seen pictures of the lockers, but there was no substitute for seeing their faces when they walked in and saw their very own locker completely installed. It far surpassed their expectations!" stated Coach Turnham.

Request a Locker Room Mockup

The Selection Process

As with any major renovation project, the process begins with finding the right company to provide the products and services needed. "I had done a lot of research over the internet, looking at dozens of sites," added Coach Turnham. "I just kept ranking The Athletic Edge over every other site I saw. The lockers themselves looked terrific, but I was really impressed with the variety and the customization that they made available."

"I contacted Tyler and we began the process of looking at options and pricing. Tyler had four different locker designs developed for me, giving me four different price points because I originally didn’t know what I was going to be able to afford. While the locker itself brought me to The Athletic Edge, it was Tyler and their customer service that made choosing them a no-brainer. Tyler was incredibly patient and understanding of our situation. I was extremely appreciative of his help and his loyalty. He, and The Athletic Edge as a whole, demonstrated themselves as a breed apart!"

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